There are many possible career paths for orbiting the giant hairball. Part of your journey is learning to chart your own course.
In this series, I reflect on my experiences orbiting the giant hairball—serving my organization from above the stratosphere.
The Startup Community Way, Beyond the Summit, Endymion, The View from the Cheap Seats, Power to the People, Solaris
Regardless of who wins the election, we must all reflect on how we intend to live for the next four years.
A well-lived life entails making commitments, planting oneself in a community and purpose. My colleague Dr. Steve Chiabotti lived that out.
How do you educate children, moving from America’s most liberal city to one of its most conservative? You teach them to be citizens.
Thoughts on preserving our whole selves in a world that constantly asks us to brand our identity.
Crossing the Unknown Sea, Essentials, Startup Life, Startup Communities, Faith, The Bureaucratic Entrepreneur
When innovation bites you in the ass, remember: the arc of innovation is long, but it bends towards improvement.
Your discontent is the source of your unique, creative contributions to your service… but only if you let it be.
Meaningful work and meaningful relationships are not in stark opposition. Both are pillars of a well-lived life.
To thrive in life, we need to stay close to our cliff edge–the frontier where we connect with our vital energy.